Worle History Society
Worle History Society

 Welcome to Worle History Society


Here you will be able find out how to contact the committee, and updates on our latest research and projects.  Our monthly meetings have been resumed and we look forward to welcoming our members and friends.  We have still been researching and archiving our findings.  Please come along and join us.


 email address:  raye.worle@gmail.com

Membership fee is £5 a year, renewable at the AGM in September each year.  Members pay £2 at each meeting to help pay for the hall and boost funds. Visitors are always welcome at meetings and other activities for a modest £3 contribution.  Our members - numbers vary  but usually reach almost 100 by the end of our year - have access to our archives at regular intervals and are able to join our research team.  Members also receive update emails from our chairman every month and have membership cards and leaflets.


We all happily research the last 1000 years in Worle, live happily with our memories, enjoy the here and now and plan for the future. Such fun.



Just click on the menu bar, at the left of each page, to change pages.



1953. Worle and the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth 2nd.
Powerpoint with pictures of the coronation and the people of Worle celebrating. The Junior School Pageant features bring back many happy memories.
Coronation Year in Worle.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [25.5 MB]

We meet on the first Thursday of each month at

Worle Community Centre,

Lawrence Road, Worle



BS22 6TU




Thursday 3rd October

Good attendance for  Barrie Underwood's talk on a Ramble about the Roads of Worle.

Research Team

Dates for 2024 - 2025 meetings will be available at the AGM. All members are welcome to come along to join the team.

Saturday 20th May 2023

We had a stall at Our Lady of Lourdes, Baytree Road.  Weston Family History Group are hosting.    It was good to see so many old friends and exchange ideas

Plans for 2025

St Martins Church is planning for the 900th anniversary of the lovely old building with special events from services to musical evenings and exhibits.  Watch this space for details.

Decided to Join?

Email or telephone or come to a meeting.

Email Peter Johnson, our membership secretary

peter.j@talk21.com   OR phone Raye Green on 01934 516773  OR come along to a meeting - listed on the meetings page. We always have an information desk with Peter and Jenny ready to help.  You'll need to part with £5 for your annual subscription and £2 for the meeting.  You will get your membership card, programme for the year and a pamphlet with useful info.  Welcome to the fun!

What do we do.  All this, and make friends!

Walks around Worle and local visits.

Annual walk on the first Thursday in August.  6.30 p.m. followed by supper in a local hostelry. Other local trips of interest.

Meetings 7.00 p.m. on 1st Thurs of month

Range of speakers on topics related to Worle, often with powerpoints showing Old Worle.  Quiz in December.  All good fun.

Exhibitions from time to time.  Pictures, archive files etc

We have put on seven exhibitions so far.  Next one will be on August 1st at Worlebury Golf Club.  6.00 pm before the walk.

Research projects indoors and out in the village.

The research group meets regularly, and presents its findings at meetings.  Local history rooms in libraries and Somerset Heritage and chatting to our golden oldies.

Archive and Library Open days

Dates will be published at the 2024 AGM

We held a free exhibition in Weston Museum in Spring 2022.

Members, visitors and friends were all welcomed.  Visits to search in Raye's archives can be arranged, just phone 01934 516773.



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Contact us at raye.worle@gmail.com or phone 01934 516773