Society Constitution as agreed at the AGM, 4th September 2014
Constitution for Worle History Society
1 Name
The Society shall be called the “Worle History Society” hereinafter referred to as “the Society”.
2 Objects
The objects of the Society shall be to encourage the study of, and interest in, local history in the Worle area, to facilitate studies, support education and to produce publications relating to these
3 Membership
The Members of the Society shall be those who apply and pay the appropriate annual subscription, all subscriptions being payable in advance on the first day of September in every year. Each member
shall be entitled to receive notice of General Meetings, to attend them and to vote at them.
4 Officers
There shall be a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary. The Chairman and Committee shall be elected at the Annual Meeting and hold office for a year. The Committee
shall have power to appoint the Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary at the September Committee meeting or as soon as can be arranged.
5 Committee
The Committee of the Society shall consist of the officers of the Society and up to four members elected at the Annual Meeting. The Committee shall have power to fill any vacancies arising in the
course of the year.
The Committee shall meet at least six times in each year on dates and at times to be decided by the Committee. The quorum for a meeting shall be at least one half of the Committee.
The Committee shall determine its own procedures. It may set up sub-committees or delegate responsibilities to its members.
6 Duties and Powers of the Committee
The Committee shall:
(a) promote and organise activities in accordance with the aims of the Society;
(b) admit members to the Society, and maintain a membership register;
(c) administer the funds of the Society; enter into such commitments as it deems necessary or desirable; keep proper accounts of income, expenditure and balances; and arrange audit or independent
examination of the Society’s accounts as may be required by law;
(d) ensure that Annual and General Meetings are duly held;
(f) ensure that minutes are kept which record all material decisions or resolutions, and that the Committee or officers report to the Annual Meeting on what has been done in the Society’s name and
answer such questions as may then be put to them.
(g) maintain an inventory of assets purchased by the Society.
7 Finance
The financial year shall end on 31st August.
A banking account shall be opened in the name of the Society and cheques shall be signed by any two Committee Members from a list approved by the Committee and notified accordingly to the Bank.
The income and property of the Society shall be applied solely towards promoting the objects of the Society stated above; and no monies shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to any
Member or Members of the Society except in payment of legitimate expenses incurred on behalf of the Society.
All dealings with the monies and property of the Society shall be authorised by or follow resolutions of a Meeting of the Society or of the Committee, and shall be properly recorded and accounted
The Committee shall make available the accounts of the Society at the AGM and answer any questions arising therefrom.
8 Annual Meeting
There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Society each year to transact the following business:-
(a) to receive reports on the work and proceedings of the Society during the past year and to question the officers and Committee on these.
(b) to receive and, if approved, to adopt a statement of the Society’s Accounts for the preceding year
(c) to elect Officers and Members to serve on the Committee.
(d) to vote on any matters of which notice has been duly given
(e) to receive suggestions and proposals for the consideration of the Committee
(f) A motion is passed by a simple majority of members present. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.
Notice convening the Annual Meeting shall be given or sent to Members not less than 21 days before the meeting and shall specify the matters to be dealt with.
9 Constitution
No alteration of or addition to this constitution shall be made except by a resolution carried by a majority of at least two-thirds of the Members who are present at an Annual or an Extra Ordinary
Meeting the notice of which shall have contained particulars of the proposed alteration or addition.
10 Dissolution
In the event of the Society being wound up any assets remaining upon dissolution after the payment of proper debts and liabilities shall be transferred to a charitable institution or institutions
having similar objects to those of the Society.
11 Interpretation
Words and expressions in this document shall be interpreted as set out in the Interpretation Acts in force from time to time. The headings in this document shall not be taken as part of it or affect
its interpretation or construction.
12 Extra Ordinary Meetings
Extra Ordinary Meetings of members may be called by over 50% of existing membership with at least 14 days notice given to members and the committee.