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We try to report our findings at one of our monthly meetings. All members are welcome to join.
In 1829 Worle Races held a race meeting at Sand Bay. 28th February. There were 5 races with 2 horses in each race. The track was reported to be six and half miles long. The day exceeded expectations with crowds attending despite the weather.
The races were still taking place in 1871, but had moved to Ebdon. Thereafter we can find no evidence.
Please help out by finding out anything you can about the school and this pupil. Elsie was 7 when she was awarded this certificate for drawing. We have checked the census for 1911 and the churchyard records, but nothing definite has emerged. Do double check to be sure.
Thanks to Alan and Trish Flower who found this in its original frame at Puxton Boot Sale.
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