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Worle History Society
Worle History Society

Thursday 3rd October 2024

Good attendance for  Barrie Underwood's talk on a Ramble about the Roads of Worle.

Research Team

Dates for 2024 - 2025 meetings will be available at the AGM. All members are welcome to come along to join the team.

Saturday 20th May 2023

We had a stall at Our Lady of Lourdes, Baytree Road.  Weston Family History Group are hosting.    It was good to see so many old friends and exchange ideas

Plans for 2025

St Martins Church is planning for the 900th anniversary of the lovely old building with special events from services to musical evenings and exhibits.  Watch this space for details.

The Research Team

All our members can join if they wish.  Often people come along to meetings they have a particular interest in.



Contact us at email: chair@worlehistorysociety.net for more details.


The Local History Room at Weston Library can be found at the link below.



Peter Johnson and Barrie Underwood

Avid researchers

Peter looks after Tithe Map, Vernacular buildings, churchyard, Somerset Heritage Centre, Weston Museum and WANHS

Barrie cares for the rhynes and waterways and does detailed family history research.

Dave Hart

Walks and Talks

Researches and leads walks for local schools and societies and writes support pamphlets.  Manor House farm specialist.

Responsible for the 'Brief History of Worle' article


Jenny Kingsbury

Worle Library Archives

Takes an active interest in all strands of research with special attention to newspaper reports from Weston and the west of England.


Julie Jones

Admin and sorter of information

Julie has produced a new data base of our churchyard findings since she joined the research group last year.

Also doing the interior memorials project.

Tony Richards & John McCreadie

The Calendar Boys

They researched the pictures and design for the calendar from 2015 to 2017.                      


Nadine Kilvington and the Durston family

All from 'Old Worle' families

Invaluable local knowledge and all worked assiduously on the Churchyard research in 2013.

David Skidmore

One of Worle's best known families

Specialises in family history research and Lawrence Road

Our On-going Projects

We try to report our findings at one of our monthly meetings.  All members are welcome to join.

Worle Races

In 1829 Worle Races held a race meeting at Sand Bay.  28th February.   There were 5 races with 2 horses in each race.  The track was reported to be six and half miles long.  The day exceeded expectations with crowds attending despite the weather.

The races were still taking place in 1871, but had moved to Ebdon.  Thereafter we can find no evidence.

Tithe Map and Vernacular Buildings

Headed by Peter Johnson, we are trying to visit the 60 or so properties still standing that appear on the 1838 tithe map of Worle.  We would LOVE more volunteers for this great project.

Primary source material

Our precious books of minutes and records of Worle clubs and societies are covered in brown paper for protection, and are in the process of being transcribed for posterity.  Cricket, Football, Horticultural, Century Club, Brownies, Vestry minutes.

Castle Batch and Lammas Pond

There is renewed interest in this ancient area of Worle, and new project is looking likely.  At present we are concentrating on the exact location of Lammas Pond.  An outdoor bit of research if you fancy it.

Lyndenhurst Girls'School, Coronation Road

Elsie M. Criddle, born 1907

Please help out by finding out anything you can about the school and this pupil.  Elsie was 7 when she was awarded this certificate for drawing.  We have checked the census for 1911 and the churchyard records, but nothing definite has emerged.  Do double check to be sure. 

Thanks to Alan and Trish Flower who found this in its original frame at Puxton Boot Sale.

Research for all tastes and ages

See what attracts you, and get inspired

On the ground research. 

Get to know the village of Worle inside out by getting involved in one of our outdoor projects.  All age groups enjoy this.  Then and Now photographs are a wonderful place to start.  This picture was taken in 2013 when we began the Churchyard research.

Primary Sources

If you are looking for something warm and cosy to get your teeth into, come to our archive open days and start some research into our collection of minutes books from local clubs, registers and note books.

Analyse a picture

Take one picture, like the ARP wardens on the left.  Find out as much as you can about it.  Name the people.  Find out what happened to them.  Write a page about each one.  It is so satisfying and really worth while.

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Contact us at chair@worlehistorysociety.net