Jun 30th First Open Meeting. Question time with Brian Austin and John Crockford-Hawley followed by refreshments at the Century club. Good response and
requests for more open meetings.
Jul 26th Setting up the Society. Subscriptions and membership cards. RG talked about the committee and what we were trying to achieve. Told some
anecdotal tails to sharpen the appetite. Decision to meet on 1st Thursday of month at 7.00 p.m.
Sep 3rd Peter Johnson. Tithe Maps and apportionments, followed by quiz
Oct 1st Vince Russett: Medieval Manor at Worle? Preceded by delivery of leaflets to relevant homes
Nov 5th Pat Hase: Early history of Worle
Dec 3rd Museum staff unable to attend. Raye filled in with chat on ‘Life in Worle, 1953’.
Jan Cancelled because of heavy snow
Feb 4th Members Night: Great array of stuff for this first members night, including a short film supplied by Jenny Kingsbury of the 1954
Mar 4th Worle War Memorial: Frank Gosden
Apr 1st Quiz Night
May 6th Question time. John Crockford Hawley and Howard Smith
Jun 3rd Worle at War: 1939, Raye Green [first meeting upstairs]
Jul 1st First Calendar Night
Series of 6 Sunday Afternoon Village Walks led by Raye Green through July and early August.
Aug 5th Summer Evening Walk: Chris Richards from St. Martin’s church to the Observatory
Sep 2nd AGM and Peter Johnson: New Tithe Map and the background to its production
Oct 7th Fussells Rubber Co. Ltd. with the Fussell brothers and Hugh Champion
Nov 4th The Good Earth: Gillian Moore
Dec 2nd Brian Austin: In Their Own Words’ – history in letters and correspondence.
Jan 6th Members afternoon meeting
Feb 3rd Dave Hart: Lanes and Byways
Mar 3rd Worle at War, 1940: Raye Green with austerity food
Apr 7th Headmaster’s night: Arthur Spencer and Terry Gilbert on the early years of
Priory School and St. Martin’s Junior School.
May 5th Bells night at St. Martin’s Church
Jun 2nd Sharon Poole: Weston Clevedon and Portishead Railway
Jul 7th Calendar night: Raye Green
Aug 4th Annual Walk: Dave Hart, Lynch Farm and Madam Lane. Morris Dancers at the Golden Lion.
Sep 1st AGM and talk from Pat Haze on the Workhouse and Worle
Oct 6th Family History Night: Nadine Kilvington and Antony Jones and Sam
Nov 3rd John Crockford Hawley on Worle conservation Area, which was proposed and planned by the Civic Society in the 1970s. Booklet – copies at meeting.
Dec 1st Quiz Night: Bob Champ – usual rounds and refreshments [Nadine]
Jan 5th Members' afternoon. Start at 2.00 p.m. Members brought along photographs, documents, all sorts of memorabilia. Sue Ryall and Tony Horry
from Kewstoke History Group came along to join us.
Feb 2nd: David Hart spoke about Mr. Parsley - 'A Local Man, who made Good'.
Mar 1st: History of Ebenezer, the Methodist Church in Lawrence Road -Raye Green
Mar 26th Heritage Centre Taunton arranged by Peter Johnson. Leave Worle @ 10.30.
Apr 5th Question Time. Members put their questions to a panel of experts, including local archaeologists Nick Corcos, Chris Congar and Vince Russett.
Vince Russett was unable to attend.
May 3rd: Booked speaker cancelled. Raye filled in with a talk on Worle’s Windmill/Obervatory.
May 27th Churchyard survey by team to establish date of the ‘tree surgeon’ photograph
June 7th The Rocks we live on. Geology of Worle and its environs with John Raffield.
Jun 17th Churchyard survey by team to establish date of the ‘observatory photograph’.
July 5th Calendar night. Bring your treasured photos and the membership will vote to decide which 12 will make it to the 2013 calendar. Followed by brief
talk by Raye Green presenting results of Churchyard Surveys.
Aug 2nd Annual guided walk around the village. Dave Hart is leading the walk. Supper at the Woodspring to follow.
Sept 6th Annual General Meeting. Our speakers were Rosie and Howard Smith, whose very attractive and informative books about the local area will be
familiar to you.
Oct 4th Worle Operatic and Drama Society's Heather Gadd will be our speaker. WODS was 40 years old this year and Heather was a founder member. She
told us about the beginnings of the Society and brought pictures and bits and pieces for our enlightenment.
Nov 1st Colin Hornet and his gang from Banwell Fire Station Museum brought artefacts and memorabilia to our meeting and talked about their experiences as serving fire officers and
the setting up and running of the museum.
Nov 21st Town Hall Tour arranged by Bob Champ. 10.30 a.m.
Dec 6th Christmas Quiz featured the usual local history round, a picture round and some other, more random questions. Refreshments by Nadine again.
Question Master was Bob Champ.
Jan 3rd Members and friends afternoon meeting. 3.00 p.m. at Worle Century Club. Raye Green: A short history of the club from 1898 to present. Dave Hart
gave a presentation on the Ivy Lodge album.
Jan 9th The St. Martins Bells were on display at the Church, ready to be re-tuned.
Jan 19th Valiant Soldier Cheese and Wine party, hosted by Liz Rankin.
Feb 7th Duncan Biddulf, one of our members, spoke about Scouting in the area. Duncan has been involved in Scouting for many years and has researched a
book on Scouting on the Mendips. Vicky spoke about Guiding and Brownies in Worle and provided a display.
Mar 6th St. Martin's School with Jane Dixon and Paul Davies, plus a tour of the buildings and displays in the hall.
Mar 11th Hallowing Service at St. Martins Church 12.00 noon
Mar 20th Taunton Museum trip: Peter Johnson in charge
April 4th Barry Mather, from Banwell History Society talked to us about the history of Banwell and the surrounding area back to the Mesolithic.
May 2nd Worle’s listed buildings. Raye Green’s research into the half dozen buildings in the village recognised by English Heritage as being of particular
interest. The list includes The Observatory, The Bell House, Mendip Cottage, Magnolia Cottage and Oak Lea Cottage, Numbers 119 and 121 Church Road and St. Martin’s Church.
June 6th 1949 Ordnance survey pictures with Peter Johnson
July 4th Calendar night. Chose 12 from 24 pictures by a democratic vote for our 2014 calendar.
Aug 1st Annual village walk. Golden Lion at 6.30 and back there for sausage and chips. [£4 each]
Sept 5th Annual General Meeting. Speaker will be Roger Brown on Worle’s public houses.
Oct 3rd: Frank Gosden is giving us an update on his research into Worle War Memorial and the men and women commemorated there.
Nov 7th: Paul Gregory from Weston, Clevedon and Portishead Light Railway Group is coming to give us a very informative talk on the good old WC and P. I have heard Paul before and
thoroughly recommend him. Don't miss it.
Dec 5th: Christmas Quiz with Tony Richards in the chair. Usual ghastly questions and prizes. Please bring something silly, and say a prayer that you don't win. it. Light
refreshments, cider and something.
Jan 2nd: Afternoon meeting. 2.30 p.m. at the Century Club in Mendip Avenue. All welcome - anyone who has information, pictures or anecdotes to share may even get a beer. The bar will be open
until 2.45, so come early. Raye Green will give a short talk on Rev. A. C. Harman, a most interesting Vicar of Worle in the early 20th century.
Feb 6th: Churchyard Research evening. Introduction with powerpoint, database and files available for inspection. The team will be reporting on their findings. We have recorded 1467 individuals
to date. Rev Larcombe, the Church Wardens and others from St. Martin's Church will be present for the hand over of the Church copy of the database.
March 6th: Rhynes and Waterways in and around Worle for the past 400 years is the topic for Barrie Underwood this evening. Please bring your Wellies, in case wading is called for.[joke]
April 3rd: Barry Mather, whose talk on Banwell we so enjoyed, is coming back to tell us about Banwell in the 20th Century in greater detail. We ran out of time at his last visit.
May 1st: Weston's mainline railways. We have invited Maurice Williams to talk to us on this topic, with Dave Hart also contributing. Both railway buffs.
June 5th: Vince Russett, our North Somerset Archaeologist will be speaking on his recent investigations at Woodspring Priory.
July 3rd: Chris Richards on his findings about the mining, caves and quarrying on Worlebury Hill. His findings go back to an Ice Age Rhinoceros, and Mesolithic bones, and he has slides for
Aug 7th: Village Walk. 6.30 p.m. start from The Woodspring. [£2.50p each] This year Dave Hart and Raye Green will be taking walkers around the sites of interest during World War 2. The walk
will take about 90 minutes, then back to the Woodspring for Sausage and Chips, which will be £3.50.
August 15th and 16th: Exhibition of pictures and archives based on 1000 years of Worle History. Admission free. Open Friday 15th from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. and Saturday 16th from 10
a.m until 4 p.m.
Sep 4th: AGM and Dave Hart on Manor House Farm. Dave has been investigating this area for some time and has uncovered some fascinating information in the heart of Worle.
Oct 2nd: Bryan Smith: Topic ‘the Smyth Piggott family and its associations with Worle and the surrounding area. Nov 6th: Worle’s Carnivals. Raye Green, with pictures galore and old
programmes, and even some carnival queens, we hope. We shall also be taking another look at the short film of the 1954 carnival, given to us by Jenny Kingsbury.
Nov 6th: Worle's Carnivals from the early 20th century to the 1980s with Raye Green. Scores of lovely of pictures, programmes and newpaper cuttings.
Dec 4th: Quiz Night. Friends, questions, picture round, refreshments, raffle and general good fun. Rubbish prizes!!!
Jan 8th: 2.30 p.m. Afternoon meeting and members’ day at Worle Century Club in Mendip Avenue. A selection of short talks on aspects of Worle History will go down well with a
glass from the bar to welcome 2015 and there will be another chance to see the 72 picture slide show of Old Worle. Members and visitors welcome as usual.
Feb 5th: Chris Webster is joining us to speak about the military defences in the Bristol Channel, with particular reference to the coastal region near Worle. Different and enthralling, it
sounds. In Ebenezer Hall - the Chapel.
March 5th: 7.30 p.m in the Chapel: Brian Austin's topic will be 'By a 50 year researcher' and will cover the work he has completed pulling together his mountain of
information on Weston's past.
April 2nd: 7.00 p.m in the Chapel: Liz Parsons is visiting us from Wick St. Lawrence to talk about Wick's 1840 tithe map and the properties and people associated with it.
May 7th: 7.00 p.m. [back to normal time!] Meeting at Worle Village Primary School, Hill Road. A chance to visit this historic building, and evoke some childhood memories.
Speakers and display material will all add to the evening.
June 4th: 7.00 p.m. in the Chapel: Bryan Moore, a Worle man currently studying at Oxford, will be speaking to us about his research into the development of Worle from 400 AD to
1800 AD, using LIDAR technology. [Light Detecting and Ranging] which enables archaeologists to see through surface vegetation and construction.
July 2nd: 7.00 p.m. in the Chapel: Sadly, Chris Richards is unable to join us for the planned evening. We shall instead be enjoying a selection of short talks from members about their
current research. Raye will be talking about the trouble with the sewerage system in 1901; Peter is updating his research into Vernacular Buildings and Dave will be telling us about his plans for our
August walk. The Society's Research Library and pamphlets will be available, and the 2016 calendars. WOW.
August 6th: 6.30 p.m.: Village Walk and supper. The walk will be elevated this year, covering the top of Worlebury Hill, the Observatory and other features. Details of meeting place to
Sept 3rd: AGM from 6.30 p.m. approximately, followed by a talk from Pat Hase, one of our most popular speakers, on her research into Victorian Servant classes.
October 1st: Esther Hoyle of Somerset Heritage in Taunton will be joining us to speak on the topic 'Researching Your House'. Esther was previously a North Somerset archivist and this should be
an evening of interest to everyone.
Nov 5th: Spend an evening with Raye Green, the research group and the Fifty Vicars of Worle, dating back to 1325. We have promised Rev. Larcombe that we shall only provide details on those who
have gone to meet their maker. If you have any information, please contact Raye on 516773. Only a handful of the 50 vicars would recognize the lovely Church in the 21st century. It is about 890 years
Dec 3rd: Quiz Night with light hearted questions, raffle and light refreshments. Teams of 4 please. All welcome.
Jan 7th: 2.00 p.m. Will be our annual afternoon meeting at Worle Century Club in Mendip Avenue. A selection of short talks from members will include contributions from Dave Hart and Barry
Underwood. Anyone is welcome to bring along pictures and memorabilia to share with us all. The bar will be open for the first hour. Happy New Year!
Feb 4th: 7.00 p.m. Mercury photographer, David Kenneford, is retiring after spending decades recording all of our lives. He is going to share his more memorable pictures, especially the ones
of Worle and its people.
March 3rd: Worle from the Air. A series of aerial pictures of the village since 1946, presented and discussed by Dave Hart. A different view of Worle.
April 7th: ‘The History of Cider’ with John Thatcher will include samples for us to try. John has asked for his fee to go to ‘The Samaritans’.
May 5th: We have invited representatives of Weston Museum to join us for the evening to update us on the progress of the refurbishment, and to tell us what we can
expect when the Museum reopens. John Crockford Hawley will be among the contributors.
June 2nd: Peter Johnson will give us an update on his research into Worle’s Vernacular buildings, all of which were standing on the 1840 Tithe Map. A fascinating
reconstruction of the village.
July 7th: Tony Richards and John McCreadie will introduce the 2017 calendar with pictures and background information, followed by Dave Hart’s preview of the August
annual walk.
August 4th: Annual Village walk with Dave Hart. Starts at 6.30 this month, followed by our sausage and chips supper. As usual there will be a pamphlet with maps and a
commentary. Details to follow.
September 1st: AGM, subscriptions and election of committee, followed by a talk from Kaye Gunningham, nee Lovell about her family's involvement in Market Gardening,
Small Holdings and Farming in and around Worle
October 6th: Worle Association Football Club, and its offshoots, from 1899 to the present day, with team photos, programmes, anedotes and so forth.
November 3rd: A speaker from 'Know Your Place', a fascinating project to super-impose old and new maps for comparison. A very special chance to learn about the possibilities of this
enterprising work, which is nearing completion.
December 1st: Quiz night, with the usual mish-mash of questions, banter and light refreshments. Raffle, of course, oh and silly hats are encouraged to emphasise Christmas spirit
January 5th: Our annual visit to the Century Club in Mendip Avenue, BS22 6HN. A new year get- together with talks from Raye Green on the
history of Preanes Green; Peter Johnson on Interesting Walls and finally Jenny Gosden's childhood in Worle. Start at 2.00 p.m. Bar
open for the first hour.
February 2nd: Peter Phippen, OBE, RIBA is our guest speaker. Peter's father and both of his grandfathers were local builders and responsible
for building much of Greenwood Road, the terrace from Mendip
Avenue to Greenwood Road, Castle Road, Ranscombe Avenue
and some of the north side of Church Road. Peter is an architect
and is full of happy memories of Worle. He was born in 'Windsor'
in the High Street. Should be fascinating.
March 2nd: Professor Ronald Hutton is to be our guest speaker. His topic will be The Great Civil War. Have a look at the BBC history pages for
a preview. An annual departure from Worle.
April 6th: We are celebrating our 100th meeting tonight. Slide show of our calendar pictures since 2010, display boards and other
material. Definitely cake!!!! An old fashioned social.
May 4th: Meeting at St Martins School, Spring Hill, Worle. Bob Champ is our speaker. He is reminiscing about
his years as a teacher, deputy
and head teacher at St. Martin's Junior School. Terry Gilbert and Shiela Hanson have donated a great range of photographs.
June 1st: 100 pictures of Worle High Street through the 20th century with Raye Green. A treasure trove of
memories in maps and photographs.
Please bring along any Worle High Street treasures of your own.
June 21st: A very special extra meeting at St. Martin's Church to discuss the interior memorials. There will be a powerpoint show to look at
memorials of particular interest and the background of the people commemmorated. This will be followed by a change to look at
each memorial 'in the flesh' and talk to the researchers in each case. Handouts for everyone to keep. No charge, but a bucket
collection to
divide between the Church and the History Society. 7.00 p.m. until 9.00 p.m.
July 6th: John McCreadie and Tony Richards will launch the 2018 calendar - and try to sell them to us!! They will be followed by Dave Hart,
who will
talk us through his plans for our annual August walk, with a map, pictures and a pamphlet to add to your collection.
August 3rd: Annual village walk, led by David Hart. We meet at 6.30 p.m. from The Woolpack Pub, St. Georges. A walk
along the course of the
Banwell River and back to the pub for supper. £2.50 each, including pamphlet. Supper is extra.
Sept 7th: Annual General meeting. Hall open at 6.30 for members to renew subscriptions. Illustrated talk about our close neighbours
Milton - the Churches, pubs, businesses, prominent people, introduced by Dave Hart, who is a Milton boy. New members and visitors
October 5th: Last minute change when our speaker was taken ill. Raye Green stepped in to talk about Worle High Street from Lawrence Road to
Ebdon Road - the second part of the High Street talk from June 2017. Some interesting new
facts and analysis with super pictures.
November 2nd: Pat Hase is returning to give us her talk about the village of Hutton - no doubt with her usual erudition and wit.
December 7th: . Quiz night. Silly questions and hats. Refreshments. Prizes for winning team. Last year we had more raffle prizes than people!!
January 4th: 2.00 p.m. at the Century Club. Bar open until 3.00. Topics based on our research during the year. A close look at our website,
and a chat from David Skidmore, who has been very busy with family
history research.
February 1st: John Page from Axbridge Museum and the Axbridge Local History Society is coming along to talk about Axbridge Rural District
with particular emphasis on the years when Worle came under its auspices. We hear that John intends to put up an
exhibition on the topic at Axbridge Museum, so a little outing may be in
March 1st: Glyn Hayes
from Weston super Mare RNLI is our speaker. He will tell us about the history of the lifeboat service on our North
Somerset coast since 1882. http://www.westonrnli.co.uk/ See the link for further information.
April 5th: John
Crockford Hawley is our guest speaker for April. His topic will be the Blue Plaque project headed by the Museum and
Heritage sub- committee. People or buildings who/which have made a
significant contribution to the story of the area wil be
considered as well as people of national and international repute who have
visited the town. Be thinking of some ideas for
May 3rd: David Wilkins has recently brought out a book entitled 'Schoolboy, Servant, GWR Apprentice'. It is based upon the memoirs of
Alfred Plumley who had digs in The Scores during his GWR years. David will be
telling us about Alfred and about his own
experiences of researching the historical context.
June 7th: This meeting will be held at St. Martin's Primary School, Spring Hill, Worle at 7.00 p.m. Greeter will meet you at the main door.
Bristol Channel Flood 1607. Matt Horritt BA PhD CWEM MCIWEM is our speaker for the evening. Matt colaborated with
Kevin Horsburgh of the National Oceanography Centre to write an article entitled 'The Bristol Channel Floods of 1607 .
July 5th: Calendar preview for 2019 from our calendar people. New calendars on sale.
Followed by Dave Hart's preview of our
August walk.
Aug 2nd: Annual Village Walk
with Dave Hart at the helm. Leaving the Windsor Castle pub at 6.30, route around upper Milton and back to the
Windsor Castle for supper.
Sept 6th: Hall open at 6.30 for
annual subscriptions. Annual General Meeting, election of committee, followed by a talk about the
original centre of the old Village of Worle, from Manchester Square at the top of the Scores, along Church Road to St.
Martin's Church, with contributions from members of our research group.
Oct 4th: A talk from our new North
Somerset Archaeologist, Cat Lodge, who will talk about local Hill Forts, including Worlebury. A great
chance to get to know each other and perhaps develop some chances to support Cat's
Nov 1st: The Durston family, John, Val and Mollie are hosting the evening. They have been researching their family
history for
some years and will be telling us how they went about it and what they found out. Always great
to have our own
members leading the evening. An evening to relish.
Jan 3rd: Members Meeting at the Century Club, Mendip Avenue. 2.00 p.m.
Bar is open until 3.00 p.m. 3 short talks:
1. David Venn will be telling us about his research into the history of Castle
Road [off Kewstoke Road].
2. Flo Turner's short tale of two stones
3. Peter Townsend, retired head teacher of Milton School talking about his experiences in World War 2.
Happy New Year.
Feb 7th: Glyn Hayes from Weston super Mare RNLI is our speaker. He was snowed off
in March 2018! He will tell us about
the history of the lifeboat service on our North Somerset coast since
1882. http://www.westonrnli.co.uk/ See the link
for further information.
March 7th: William Fraher is telling us about all the latest developments at the Hillfort, and well as touching upon its history.
plan to hold a walk to see the hillfort on the ground later in the month. Watch this
April 4th: Ten years since we started. A review of WHS with baby pictures of the committee and of some of our
members. Also
an excellent Local History Bingo game, with prizes led by Julie Daw. We tried the game out
at a committee meeting
and it was great fun. Thanks Julie.
May 2nd: Centenary of Skidmore and Sons opening in Worle. Talk and display with memories galore. Raye Green and
Skidmore and anyone who wants to join in. Book will be on sale later in the year, we
June 6th: Clive Brain from MShed. https://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/m-shed/ “
Pyronaut and the Queens Diamond Jubilee”.
The talk focuses on the working exhibits of M Shed in general and Pyronaut in particular.
July 4th: Calendar night, with a talk about the pictures for 2020, followed by Dave Hart's chat about the August walk.
Aug 1st: Summer walk and supper. 6.30 p.m. from the Nut Tree pub, Ebdon Road. Dave Hart will be leading our
walk, this year through Upper Worle and its Green Lanes. Book your supper at the pub
before we set off.
Sept 5th: AGM. If you remember the Flower Show and Worle Horticultural Society with affection, this evening is for
you. Julie
and Raye will be tracing the history of both of these institutions back to the 1920s. If you or
your family entered any of
the categories in the show, or helped in any way, we'd love to hear from you.
Oct 3rd Michael Gorely from Historic England is coming to tell us about his job and the work he is involved with
in Worle,
especially with our local schools. We intend to invite representatives from Worle schools to spread
the word and to ask
them how Historic England and Worle History Society can assist with their curriculum
Nov 7th 1920s in Worle. Looking back 100 years to everything we can discover about life in Worle. Lead
by the
research team with contributions from members and guests. Pictures, minutes of Worle clubs and
map. We hope to find out whether Worle was roaring in the 20s!
Dec 5th Our Christmas Quiz. Bob Champ will be question master, as usual and Nadine will oversee refreshments. Raffle, of
Dec 6th: Quiz Night with light refreshments. Usual dubious questions and the wonderful raffle. Please
bring a raffle prize along,
wrapped if possible! A greeter will help you to find a team to join. Teams of
4. Cider for the winners!
Jan 2nd Century Club, 2.00 p.m. Members’ contributions, based on reseach team work throughout the year. Barrie Underwood is talking about the history of policing in Worle, and Dave Hart is analysing some aerial pictures. Members are invited to contribute. Bar open until 3.
Feb 6th Windmills and Millers in Somerset with Sarah Harris, with reference to Vale Mill and Worlebury.
Mar 5th Weston Museum. A representative will be giving us an update of what our museum offers and how it is managed.
Meetings Cancelled from March 2020 to Summer 2021
Thursday 1st July Welcome back meeting. 7.00 p.m. Worle Community Centre, Lawrence Road,
Worle. Start 7.00 p..m. Details of the August walk will be led by our new
chairman, Dave Hart. News updates and programme for the rest of the year
Thursday 5th August
Summer annual walk. topic: Ways to get to Ebden. Meet at 6.30 at the Nut
Tree Pub. £2.50 each including pamphlet. Usually we have supper at a pub.
Thursday 2nd
Sept Annual General Meeting. Subs for the coming year and election of committee.
Followed by a talk about Worle Cricket Club from 1870 to
1956 with pictures,
cuttings and memorabilia.
October 7th: Meeting about Worle Community School to mark its
50th anniversary year. Bob
Champ has arranged for an evening about the school. It will include a talk on
some of the school’s history, and a display of School and Worle History Society
November 4th: A talk about the Viking visits to our local area, here in Somerset, by Dave Hart.
December 2nd: Quiz night with light hearted questions, raffle and light refreshments. Come with
your teams and enjoy a very relaxed evening.
January 6th Happy New Year. 2.00 p.m. This is our annual afternoon meeting
at Worle Century
Club in Mendip Avenue. "THE SPIRIT OF THIS PLACE”. It is hoped that some of
our members and friends will tell us about what Worle means to them, or what
brought them here, how long have their families been in or near the village and any
specific memories that stand out for them. Any volunteers? Sadly cancelled.
February 3rd: Somerset School Days. Peter Tinney will recount amusing tales of schooldays at
village school in Stone Allerton, Nr Axbridge.
March 3rd: Phil Curme from Clevedon Pier Trust will talk on the 150 years of Clevedon Pier.
April 7th: Dr Mel Draper’s presentation will be on the
railways in the Worle area from
documents and
artefacts held at Kew as part of the Haywood Collection.
W E Haywood was a
Weston man.
May 5th: History of Weston Playhouse. Samantha Ball will
share her research on the history of
The Playhouse and talk
about the book she has published on the topic.
June 9th: The Origins of Surnames. Professor Richard Coates from the
University of the Weston
of England will explain
the origin of surnames in the UK and will access the research
database to explore some
old Somerset and Worle family names.
July 7th: “Talk the walk”. A preview of this year’s Village Walk with Dave Hart
August 4th: Gather at 6.30 p.m. at The Woolpack Inn, St Georges for Worle Annual Village Walk
with Dave Hart at
the helm.
September 1st: Annual General Meeting, followed by a short talk from the Research Group.
October 6th: “The Flooding of the North Marsh up to the Present Day” by Dave Hart.
November 3rd: “Lawrence Road” by Dave Skidmore. An insight into his fascinating research on the
buildings and residents of Lawrence Road at various stages over the years.
December 1st: Christmas Quiz and Social.
Jan 5th Century Club in Mendip Avenue at 2 p.m. Bits and Bobs around the Village - Origins of the Village Club, The Observatory, Golf Club, Quarry and Worle's Stations.
Feb 2nd The Almshouses in the Scaurs - A History of an old Worle landmark from the 1790s to the 1930s with Raye Green and Peter Johnson
March 2nd An Evening of Sea Shanties with the Steepholmers. Bucket for RNLI
April 6th Recent Archaeological Discoveries in North Somerset with Cat Lodge, senior archaeologist for North Somerset
May 4th Lawrence Road, part 2, with David Skidmore.
June 1st Crime & Punishment - A history of crime prevention & crime punishment in Somerset from Somerset Heritage Centre
July 6th Annual Dave Hart Walk – Preview with maps and pictures, and new archive material from the research team, we hope.
Aug 3rd Annual Dave Hart Walk - Madam Rhyne and its way through the village. 6.30. Start from David Skidmore's memorial garden opposite the Community Centre, Lawrence Road.
Sept 7th AGM and Mendip Green School evening with Ellis Davies, the head teacher for many years and display boards, a powerpoint and photograph albums. .
Oct 5th Agatha Christie and North Somerset. Raye Green
Nov 2nd Floods of 1981. A Night to Remember. Alan Turner
Dec 7th Quiz and raffle with refreshments