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Worle History Society
Worle History Society

Brian Austin's Research & Worle Archive




Sadly, Brian died on 14th Sept 2023 and local history buffs miss him dreadfully.  If you wished to contact Brian with any enquiries or to give him information, it was necessary to use the traditional method. of Royal Mail.  It was  well worth the effort.

Brian had completed his 'Chronological History' project, which runs to 404 x A4 pages.  His outline list of topics can be found on this page, and it covers his research into the history of Weston-super-Mare, including Worle.  You will also find some fascinating notes taken from Deeds with a strong Worle connection. 


The list of material to download begins with Brian's articles and notes on the early development of Weston-super-Mare.  These are numbered to facilitate logical reading. 


Happy hunting.



1. The Hotel Field
22 pages of fascinating detail starting in 1695 and taking us through the building of the Winter Gardens to the 21st century. Useful illustrations, maps, family trees. Happy reading.
Weston Winter Gardens by Brian Austin fi[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.6 MB]
2. The Hotel
The development of The (Royal) Hotel from 1792 to modern times. A companion piece to the Hotel Field/Winter Gardens. Pictures, photos and family trees as well as newspaper cuttings.
The Royal Hotel Weston Brian Austin.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.9 MB]
2a. Weston Hotels before 1860
A list of main alternative lodgings pre 1860. In Weston and its surroundings with dates of the earliest know written references.
Weston Hotels pre 1860.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [392.1 KB]
The Austin Collection, sheet 1
Weston-super-Mare history. 2018 update of Brian Austin's filed projects, with his file reference numbers and the the number of pages in the collection.
The Austin Collection sheet 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.9 MB]
The Austin Collection sheet 2
WEston-super-Mare 2018 update of Brian Austin's filed projects with his reference numbers and number of pages in the collection. A continuation of sheet 1
The Austin Collection sheet 2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.5 MB]
Brian's explanatory note on the following files.
Original documents are now lodged at Somerset Heritage, Taunton.
Brian Austin Deeds re Worle envelope not[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.3 MB]
A1: Extracts from Wills 1765-1816
Bishop; Alliers; Peters; Ash
Brian Austin Deeds re Worle A1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.7 MB]
A2: 1819 Inners Rock deeds.
Several transactions involving property. Ash family
Brian Austin Deeds re Worle A2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [4.0 MB]
A3: 1754 - 1819 First Schedule from Inners Rock Deeds
Follows on from A2.
Brian Austin Deeds re Worle A3.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.5 MB]
A4: Continuation Schedule from A2 and A3
Inners Rock: 1829 - 1842
Brian Austin Deeds re Worle A4.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.1 MB]
A5: Inners Rock, 1862 - 1931
Final schedule from document A2.
Brian Austin Deeds re Worle A5.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.9 MB]
B1: 1790 Edward Ash
Includes schedule details from 1671 to 1726
Brian Austin Deeds re Worle B1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.9 MB]
B2: Farm Rents
Dates from 1764 to 1798
Brian Austin Deeds re Worle B2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.1 MB]
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